Thursday, March 24, 2011

I have a great view from my new job. I'm working on the 13th floor of the Well's Fargo builing in downtown SL. I've been here for exactly a week, and every single day it's been a cloudy, dreary view from my window. Except for yesterday.
It was a gorgeous day!
And I thoroughly enjoyed it from my little receptionist desk on the 13th floor.
Today it's cloudy and rainy again, but hopefully we'll have more sunshiney, blue-skied days coming soon. Hopefully.


  1. ok, since both of you guys write on here, I think you should sign your post so we know who's talking... :) just an idea. Congrats on your new job! It amazes me that you go to down town every day. I would be terrified. You're awesome.

  2. congrats on the job... I had no idea! love your view, and you!
